Monday, August 29, 2022

Single Life In The Big City - A Birthday For Myself

         I'm still 29 years old and my 30th Birthday is less than a month away!

        I was born in Seattle and I'm just at my Mom and Dad's house up in Everett. I've been trying to get the phone numbers, current addresses, blogs, emails addresses, Facebooks and Instagrams and Tumblrs of all of the people I know for the last two or three years and it has been very hard. I made a really, really long list of people I wanted to invite to my show-stopping epic comeback or I should say come-around que-pasa from my absolutely epic bonfire that I threw in my mid-twenties after I turned 25 about five years ago. It was the first party I had thrown and 70 people showed up and showed up in shifts of 20-30 people. It was absolutely miraculous because all we did was make a Facebook event page and send out about 16 invites to some nice people we know. I always knew when I threw a party it would be absolutely epic and memorable. Another time I effortlessly threw a party was when I simply had everybody's phone number. All I had to do was send a text to a couple of people and every SINGLE PERSON SHOWED UP AT A REQUESTED LOCATION WITH FOOD, ALCOHOL AND CIGARETTES.  I thought it was absolutely incredible.

        I just applied for a job that pay a whopping $100,000 per year and guess what kind of job it is? It's a WAITRESSING JOB. They call it a "server" job. They would probably be pissed to read that I called this spade a glorious spade but it is the PREMIERE waitressing job because it is the restaurant that serves snails in Seattle and since they are hiring on NOT ONE BUT TWO! people and I was born in Seattle and I'm a celebrity it is statistically impossible for me not to get this job so I just went forward and found an apartment to settle into with a view of the lake and Downtown Seattle to park at with a beautiful rooftop for my 30th Birthday while we do some construction on my new house which is also in the North neighborhood in Seattle. I get to tell all of my family and friends and neighbors and people I meet and know "I work at the restaurant that serves the snails!" I think it's really cute because it's also an Italian restaurant and my future husband is Italian and they serve octopus and Barolo vino of which I am a connoisseur of both and love the most out of any of the Seattleites. They work with ingredients I've been sourcing on my own in the city for over 7 years and it's a perfect culinary match to the journey I've been on with food and my relationship with cooking in the big city. Rest in peace or as my Babushka always says, pieces to the maginificient Takoyaki stand that used to sit at the mouth of the Uwajimaya Food Court in Chinatown. For $8 you could be Anthony Bourdain for a whole seven minutes. More like two but the Takoyaki was always piping hot. Uwajimaya is the Asian grocery store in Seattle and it is an epic emporium of all of the foods and house supplies you didn't know you could even buy or even exist that are all delicious and tasty and beautiful and perfect and honestly hidden from ungrateful white people that don't deserve to know about it because every single thing in this supermarket is impeccable and definitely only for the truly worthy. I need to go back as soon as possible. To the point of the Polpa, Octopus in Italian, Uwajimaya has a sashimish baby octopus in a neat tiny little plastic box that they sell for a whole $8 that you can slice fillet-lengths and eat for the healthiest and most empowering breakfast you've ever eaten in your entire life that is marinated in a little bit of soy sauce and sesame seed so when you go to cook it it retains enough liquid to at least hit the pan. I like cooking this with eggs and cream cheese! It's out of this world!

"Hahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha white people!" Chinatown in Seattle is the real deal. I hope people continue moving to Seattle because they feel safe and specifically in Chinatown. That's my dream for the center of Seattle. It's the center of my Universe and the center of my heart!

I want to leave the house when I'm ten years old just like Ash Ketchum. I'm just saying. That freedom and that protection and that bicycle that goes extra fast and that clothes line are everything to me. Living in a place where you are that free is everything. Any place where you can fall asleep on the grass and dream is a place worth calling home.

Now that I know where I'm going to work and where I'm going to live I've been sleeping and having LOADS of dreams. I'm trying to pull up more photography and I'm trying to develop about seven expired rolls of films. 

"I'm kissing you more" is a reference to the Gang Of Four song I was just listening to. It probably isn't even the correct lyric. I still want a little cake to celebrate all of my birthdays before. Cake should be eaten more often. In anticipation of the potential of all of the years I was alone and sad on my birthday I am preemptively making this birthday cake so I can say that I had one because I don't know if somebody is going to try and ruin it and I already mixed some sugar and flour together. Plus, I truly love decorating!

Instead of buying pound cake we can just have regular cake in the house for a couple of days.

Now that I know where I'm going to live I can kind of prepare how I will furnish the place and start bookmarking more things as I will be able to not only have my VERY FIRST CAR but I will be able to take all of my girlfriends shopping which will be the real treat of my year to get to have quality time with my friends and family and know exactly where I'm going and what we need to go to make the next five years a perfect and beautiful success. 

I'll post photos in a little bit and then finish this up. I'm definitely going to start doing outfit posts every Sunday. That was my goal before and I'm going to keep doing that because I know I can commit to posting every Sunday.

Basically, dating in your twenties just sounds like a lot of complaining and problems but I do get really angry when I see cute couples my age freely jumping the gun in cute clothes with everything they need to go out and have fun while I'm stuck at home with my Instagram blocked by half of the people I would care about seeing and Meta refusing to verify my Instagram account so I can catch all of the bad guys that blocked my Instagram account and flagged my actions on Instagram. It makes my blood boil but it usually does because I'm seeing an injustice. That happens to me a lot.

That's why I came back to my cozy little corner of blogger where I can write whatever I want and do whatever I want and it seems to be the one constant from High School that translated well and maturely into my twenties and I love this community because I can make it as big or as small as I need it to be and speak to the local heart and have a sense of humor and really open a space for an after-school social even though we had our spaces taken away from us as some of the city stiffens for the sake of business profiteers coming over from various countries. Oh, to be the center of industry and still want a simple life!

Sunday, March 13, 2022

Fast Forward Five Years Later

 Basically, everybody betrayed me, even tried to hurt me. Then I found out I was famous.

Sunday, January 9, 2022

People On Sunday

Welcome to my little cozy corner of the world where I can unwind and lay it all out.

This year has been a time of temperance and learning how to take things slowly. I'm 29 years old and it has been over half a decade since I wrote about my interview in the concierge-winning cafe that shuttered in a historic hotel in Downtown Seattle. It sounds like I'm setting up the Grand Budapest Hotel, but when I was in my early twenties I thought absolutely nothing of it.

There was a Spanish ballroom upstairs and almond milk lotion from l'Occitane and Benedryl from the arcade and gruyere in our croissants and I wasn't phased nor did I care one single bit. I was very much involved.

I'm on the cusp of breaking out into the world and now I get to find a way to get back to the beginning of my journey on Blogger and capture the beauty of Seattle as Seattle's hometown sweetheart and all of the things that are meaningful to us.

Amelia O'Flaherty

Saturday, June 13, 2015


Let me just say this in advance, if you're reading this and ever have to interview me in the future:  I am so sorry.

I know that everybody gets nervous before interviews. But it doesn't help when you're already de'pouille like me. I can be so intense. Sometimes groups of words escape from my mouth, and I am staggered by the shock of what has just occurred.

So, if you want some good interview advice from me, it's this: don't say things like  "...and the third thing I value the most is my social circle, my friends because they were always there when my family wasn't."


Why isn't there an 'editor a 'preview' button for things we say out loud, again?

Granted, I was pretty much incapable of talking to strangers without panicking or wanting to run away until I was 16. I was a painfully shy and awkward kid, who was consistently bullied throughout elementary school and left out of peer groups at most of the schools I attended growing up. I used the term "weird art kid" to describe myself because people didn't want to befriend me too often, however, they did think I was quite proficient at drawing and thought that it was really cool. Essentially, other children thought I was cool, and were nice to me because of it, but also distant, because I was also strange and intense.

Despite growing up facing a lot of pain and rejection, I realized today that I've actually made significant progress, and am not so socially inept that I won't be able to make it in this world. I realized today that at some point, I'm going to have to give myself some credit. So, instead of focusing on the things, I could have done better, or how I wish I could appear more put-together, more mature, older (people mistake me for a 16-year-old on a consistent basis) I'm patting myself on the back for being able to pull myself together and do things that intimidate me. Huzzah!

I should probably mention this, too. 

I am now a Francophile working in a French patisserie. I got the job!


Thursday, June 11, 2015